We would appreciate if you could tell us what you like, dislike, or believe is missing in our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. |
Just wanted to say hello and thank you for posting this site. My name is Jonathon Zappi and I look forward to viewing more of my family history in the future.
In this moment I´m using my husband's account. My name is Dora Maria Zappi Molina, and I´m from Mexico. I have been looking for a long while information from our family and it's great to have found you.
Keep the good work and thanks
Hi and greetings from Antonio Jose Cabanellas in St.Louis,Missouri. Any info on Humberto Zappi (son of Zefiro Zappi) would be appreciated.
El diseño de su pagina es excelente y nos alegra por fin haber encontrado la raiz de nuestra familia ya que aqui en México nos encontramos unicamente 6 hijos de Efrain Zappi Palmer y muchos nietos, y ahora ya la primera bisnieta.
Me interesaría poder tener contacto directo con los Zappi de Puerto Rico y Nueva York y también con ustedes.
Carlos Alberto Zappi hijo de Dora María Zappi de México
For Mr. Biagio Zappi,
This is an excellent site
Very interesting! A lot of work, thank you!
Tnks for that nice page. bye
I'm a Zappi too, my father was born in Imola and Lived in Bologna, my gran-father Umberto was from Bologna and my gran-father's father's name was Luigi.. Were they from this family ??
Good by.. Compliments for the great site!
Ciao, congratulation! Great site! I am one of the Zappi living in Italy, Rome. My name is Silvio, my father's name is Roberto and his brother is Valerio. Mario was my granfather.... I'd like to go further.....can you help me? Silvio
Sup Yo! Check me out.
WHAT A ZAPPI YAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Hey Hey It's Melinda. I've never had a chance to write and say "Hi" to all the Zappi's. I hope all is well. I think this sight is great!
Dear webmaster/step-cousin: I won't be able to say much here now because it's after 4:00 in the morning and i haven't been to bed yet. i found your site through the google search engine looking for "Zappi" with "Vatican." My father's father's father's mother was your Barbara von Mühlheim. I am so excited to find your wonderful information; I didn't know her first name before this morning. She was first married to a Baron von Fingerlin and he was my great great grandfather. He was killed in battle (I believe) when my great grandfather Edgar Maximilian Baron von Fingerlin Büsching was a boy. Edgar had at least 2 brothers and 1 sister, and I thought they were von Fingerlins but perhaps Zappis. He said that his sister married an Italian prince; one brother fell from a precipice at Frascati; and another brother, Roger, was with Maximillian's ill-fated expedition to Mexico. Now I know there was a step-brother Luigi. Edgar, who was born in 1846, wrote stories of his school days in Rome and a description of the Pontifical Mass for a publication at the University of Southern California where he was a professor of languages 1906-1919. You may find them of interest; he does mention his step-father "General Marquis Zappi." My website is in early development, but I do have a von Fingerlin page with some photos and his writings, as well as some obituaries that have some only-slightly erroneous data. Go to http://www.janeland.com and navigate from the roots category to the von Fingerlin page(s). My sister and I had wondered if the Zappi marriage had yielded some step-aunts, uncles, and cousins... and so it did. I enjoy your writing style and hope to find out if there is more that you may know or find out about the Baroness von Mülheim and the General Marquis Zappi. Splinter step-relatives are also of interest. And now I will pass out. Buon giorno. Jane Marie Cleveland of San Francisco California
Dear webmaster/step-cousin: I won't be able to say much here now because it's after 4:00 in the morning and i haven't been to bed yet. i found your site through the google search engine looking for "Zappi" with "Vatican." My father's father's father's mother was your Barbara von Mühlheim. I am so excited to find your wonderful information; I didn't know her first name before this morning. She was first married to a Baron von Fingerlin and he was my great great grandfather. He was killed in battle (I believe) when my great grandfather Edgar Maximilian Baron von Fingerlin Büsching was a boy. Edgar had at least 2 brothers and 1 sister, and I thought they were von Fingerlins but perhaps Zappis. He said that his sister married an Italian prince; one brother fell from a precipice at Frascati; and another brother, Roger, was with Maximillian's ill-fated expedition to Mexico. Now I know there was a step-brother Luigi. Edgar, who was born in 1846, wrote stories of his school days in Rome and a description of the Pontifical Mass for a publication at the University of Southern California where he was a professor of languages 1906-1919. You may find them of interest; he does mention his step-father "General Marquis Zappi." My website is in early development, but I do have a von Fingerlin page with some photos and his writings, as well as some obituaries that have some only-slightly erroneous data. Go to http://www.janeland.com and navigate from the roots category to the von Fingerlin page(s). My sister and I had wondered if the Zappi marriage had yielded some step-aunts, uncles, and cousins... and so it did. I enjoy your writing style and hope to find out if there is more that you may know or find out about the Baroness von Mülheim and the General Marquis Zappi. Splinter step-relatives are also of interest. And now I will pass out. Buon giorno. Jane Marie Cleveland of San Francisco California
To read about our past has been a deeply fascinating experience...moreover it has made me feel proud of what I am..at least from a historical perspective..something which was lacking in me...
I'd like to thank you for making this possible.
I'll quickly introduce myself by the way..
I'm Daniel Zappi.My father is,Flavio.His parents are from massa lombarda, but moved up north in the 60's to a place called Tradate, in provincia di Varese, where they built a family-run hotel.."Hotel Romagna"..where they as yet reside, with my uncles, aunts and cousins.My father was a professional cyclist in the 80's.He met my mother-at the time a 22 year-old english girl from brighton-whilst racing in sicily.anyway...they married and had me in 1983..and latewr in 1988,my brother samuel.I grew up in Italy until we moved to Oxford in 1997.I am currently in my last year of A levels, and have been offered a place at the university next year, studying Modern languages,german and italian literature at Lincoln college.
Thanks again for this site.I can now go to bed proud to be a Zappi(!)...it's 12:30,I'm tired..lulled by the midi files playing italian classics..:)....I particularly enjoyed Battisti and Celenatano..two personal favourites..
Ciao!! con simpatia Daniel Zappi
gostaria de resolver duvida relativo ao aparecimento de mancha branca debaixo do braco de minha esposa, ha mais ou menos 2 anos, e agora tenho percebido uma pequeninha ao lao do olho e umas quase que imperceptiveis no queixo
Hola mi nombre es raul ernesto zappi matos de la ciudad de panama, rep. de panama. Soy abogado, 28 años, me gustaria hacer contacto con otros miembros de la familia dispersos en el mundo. Ademas de mi correo, me pueden contactar a traves de mi icq 73818436.
Hi, my name is raul ernesto zappimatos from panama city, rep. de panama. I´m 28 years age lawyer, i want to talk with zappi family members. My E-mail account is raulzappi@hotmail.com, also you can find me with icq´s id. number 73818436
I think it needs photos, I wanna see faces. See the similarity of the ancestor with the new generation. That will be fantastic.
The rest is good.
whats up? italy rules!!!!
es genial encontrar una página así, espero en un futuro cercano este creado por completo un arbol genealógico de como esta gran familia se expandio por el mundo.Y que incluyan en ella fotografias.
Delia Gutierrez de Zappi (esposa de Alex Zappi hijo de Dora Maria Zappi) desde México
tutto bene renata
Hello from Zappi's family of Florence Italy.Sono Alessandra Zappi e voglio salutare in particolare Daniel Zappi del Mexico perchè è figlio di Alex Zappi che si chiama come me.Nostro nonno è Alessandro Zappi di Imola (Italia) e nostro padre è Franco che si è trasferito a Firenze per studiare e qui è rimasto. Franco ha avuto quattro figli: Francesco,Riccardo, Anna Maria ed Alessandra. Francesco ha avuto nel 2001 un figlio maschio Claudio Zappi e per ora è l'ultimo Zappi dal nostro lato della famiglia. Saluto tutti gli altri Zappi a giro nel mondo perchè qui a Firenze vi assicuro che è un cognome molto molto raro .Hi
I don´nt lke the way that you treat your family in america; we are not guilty of the mistakes of the old people we are proud to carry de name zappi y we are working people tryimg to build a future to us and our childrens.
by example my son is a ingeniero en instrumentacion electronica and he´s good profesional.
so please forgive your titules of nobility ans make de zappis of the word just one family united by de web
Hello from the Zappi's in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Armando and Jacqueline). The web page is an excellent job, and every time I go to check it out, I feel very proud of my roots. I would also like to extend my greetings to all the Zappi's around the world. Bye.
perfecto los encuentro despues de tanto buscar los antecedentes historicos familiares.
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors.
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Hello, My name is Alethea Bennett! My Husband and have been customers for years, your service is always increitable. Can you please e-mail me a copy of my reciept, when the last time a got oil.
Thank You, Alethea
Excellent site ! I enjoyed surfing here ! keep going ! Thanks from Mature_Aunts
grazie per questo bellissimo sito genealogico storico e divertente. mi chiamo fiammetta, sono fiorentina (tanti saluti all alessandra zappi di firenze!!) ma vivo a colonia in germania da anni. sto cercando di ricostruire la storia della mia famiglia da anni, o meglio di metterla su carta, ma sono praticamente l unica interessata in una famiglia relativamente grande, quindi e tutto molto difficile. mi e piaciuto molto tutto, anch io ero alla ricerca di foto per capire chi era la persona di cui si stava parlando, ma in realta e meglio farsi un idea propria. ripassero prima o poi, a presto, fiammetta