Here you will find all you may need for a well-designed Web Page.

First, however, our heartfelt thanks to those whose efforts we copied to make these pages:


ITALIAZIP.COM has the best Italian radio on the Net. All the newest hits 24/7 non stop.

moyra.gif (14363 bytes)

Moyra is a fantastic artist and definitely the best in the universe when it comes to 3D rendering of gold, jewelry, stones, flowers and has an impressive collection of sets.

alison.jpg (4296 bytes)

Alison's site is an inspiration for novelty associated with usefulness. This link will take you to her double-action menus, but don't fail to check her main site.

Rob Young a terrific Brit, who created the News Bulletin and the Button Menu used in our Personal Pages, has an impressive site full of Java gizmos.
surfdesignlogo.gif (5566 bytes)  

Keith Parnell, whose incredible patience is only matched by his expertise, is one of the main contributors in Microsoft's FrontPage newsgroup.

peterperchanskyslogo.gif (531 bytes)

Peter Perchansky is another of those helping neophytes in the newsgroup.
pacifica.gif (2368 bytes) These guys invented the interactive Family Events Calendar.

music1.jpg (2143 bytes)

No Webpage is complete without some good background music. For that, we must thank Laura's Midi Heaven. She has the best collection of Italian midis in the Web--bar none. Believe me, we've searched everywhere. She also has a huge assortment of other midis but it would take a lifetime to hear it all--and it keeps growing.


With so many to thank, we'd be surprised if someone wasn't forgotten.

However, since we are more than happy to give credit where due, please remind us.

Then we have

  jars.gif (3809 bytes)  JARS.com  If you're searching for cutting-edge Web technology, look no further.

grafx.gif (3481 bytes) My personal favorite. Different and exciting Sets.

holidayvillage.gif (2760 bytes)  Ready-made pages for every festivity.


FREE SETS (in no particular order)

All you may want for a complete, well coordinated page: matching background, bars, buttons, title. Most of them are already "zipped" ready to download. Moreover, by following their links you get more.

 jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Designer Originals

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Bordertown Sets for a more "manly" look.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Bimsam. This Swedish lady has three different sites (make sure you see them all).

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Windy has beautiful ready-to-use sets. Not my style, but I like them nonetheless.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Lolis is Bimsam's sister.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Rita

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) The Lady

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Debbie

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Nessa

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Fay Studios

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) The Graphics Boutique kinda "childish" or "cute"

If you haven't found a Set you like among those above, you're difficult to please and need to design your own. We'll start with sites that offer borders, papers and textures.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Doc Ozone One of the best. This link will take you to his "training" page, but check his Main Page.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Stormi's Wallpaper Boutique Very classy. Excellent good taste.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) MH's Artsite

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Background Patterns

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Dale's Graphics

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Steve Conley's Kaleidascape

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Backdrops

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) The Graphic Hut

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Imagine

Done with wallpapers and backgrounds, you'll need buttons and graphics. Here are some.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) NetCreators

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Sam Roach

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Index to Free Web Art

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Dale Cunningham's

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Renegade

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) The Icon Bank

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Graphics Main Library

At this point, you may need some Fonts. None better than

RedSunlogo.cgi.GIF (2010 bytes)  Fonts. Redsun has an incredible collection of every type of font you may need and more.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Blackletter Fonts

And, if you still haven't found what you need, here are some pages chock-full of LINKS.

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Lynn's Web Mastery

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) 250K Graphics Links

jewel.gif (8638 bytes)  Pandora's Box

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Kitty's Art Links

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Graphics Galore

jewel.gif (8638 bytes) Wallpaper Heaven